Common Mistakes When Creating A Breeder Website Design

The most common mistakes people make when trying to create a cat or dog breeding website design
A professional, non-cluttered dog breeder website design

You are a passionate cattery or dog breeder or who wants to share your knowledge and expertise with the world. You decide to create your own breeder website to showcase your beautiful animals, provide valuable information, and connect with potential customers. However, without the right guidance, it’s easy to make mistakes that can hinder the success of your website. I will discuss some common mistakes that users make when trying to make their own breeder website, and provide you with tips to avoid them. Let’s make sure your breeder website stands out from the rest!

Lack of Visual Appeal

When it comes to breeder websites, first impressions matter. One of the most common mistakes that breeders make is neglecting the visual appeal of their website. Remember, your website will be the first point of contact for potential customers, so it’s crucial to make it visually appealing and inviting.

One mistake breeders often make is using low-quality images or not including enough photos of their animals. Customers want to see clear, high-resolution pictures of the animals they are interested in. Invest in a good camera or hire a professional photographer to capture the beauty of your dogs and cats. Additionally, make sure to showcase a variety of images that highlight the different aspects of your breeding program, such as the animals and their personalities, their living conditions, and any awards or achievements.

Furthermore, the layout and design of your website should be clean, organized, and easy to navigate. Avoid cluttering your pages with too much information or overwhelming graphics. Use a simple color scheme that complements your breed and keep the font style and size readable on all devices (not too big, not too small, and not decorative or a color that doesn’t contrast against the background). Remember, a visually appealing website will not only attract potential customers but also reflect your professionalism and dedication to your breeding program. It is also important to understand the responsiveness of the text you have on your site. Three sentences on desktop can turn into 10-15 sentence on mobile. Stop cluttering your homepage. Save it for the cat or dog profile pages, FAQs, and your blogs.

Lack of Relevant Information and Repetitive Information

Another common mistake breeders make is not providing enough relevant information on their website. When potential customers visit your website, they are looking for detailed information about your breeding program, the animals you breed, and your knowledge of the breed. Failing to provide this information can lead to missed opportunities and potential customers looking elsewhere. It is also important that you don’t repeat the same information over and over. Provide new fresh information with each section. Stop telling potential customers the same thing about your breeding program in each section. If they are reading, they already know this about your program. These tips will help you build relevant information for your site:

Start by creating a dedicated “About Us” page that tells the story of your breeding journey, your passion for the breed, and any notable achievements or certifications. This personal touch will help customers feel connected to you and your animals. Additionally, create individual pages (a profile) for each dog or cat, providing thorough descriptions, characteristics, and any health or temperament information, pedigree information, health testing, and so on. This will not only educate potential customers but also demonstrate your knowledge and commitment to responsible breeding.

Moreover, include a “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQ) section to address common queries and concerns that potential customers may have. This will save them time and provide them with the information they need to make an informed decision. Remember, the more relevant and detailed information you provide, the more trust and confidence you will instill in potential customers.

Spelling and Grammar Errors and Sloppiness

When website visitors come across spelling and grammar errors on a website, it can create a negative impression. Such errors can give the impression of carelessness, lack of attention to detail, and unprofessionalism. Visitors may question the credibility and reliability of the breeder website’s content and may be less likely to trust the information provided. This is not a good look in an industry that is already riddled with scams and backyard breeders. The potential buyer will most likely find a seemingly more reliable source to purchase a kitten or puppy.

Similarly, a sloppy website design can also leave a negative impression. If the website appears disorganized, cluttered, or outdated, visitors may perceive it as unprofessional and may question the overall quality of the kittens or puppies that are for sale. A sloppy website can also make it difficult for users to navigate and find the information they are looking for, leading to frustration and potentially driving them away from the site.

Lack of Contact and Social Media Integration

One critical mistake breeders often make is not including clear contact information and social media integration on their website. Your website should serve as a platform for potential customers to connect with you, ask questions, and inquire about your animals. Without clear contact information, you risk losing customers. Not everyone wants to speak on the phone for general questions. Not everyone wants to contact via social media for general inquires. Make sure you have MULTIPLE methods of contact, or they will just contact another breeder (yes, that quick).

Make sure to prominently display your contact details, including your phone call & text number, email address, and physical address (if applicable). You may also consider including a contact form that visitors can fill out to reach you directly from your website. Additionally, integrate your social media profiles on your cat or dog breeder website to allow visitors to follow you, engage with your content, and stay updated on your litters and upcoming breedings.

Moreover, consider adding a live chat feature to your website. This allows potential customers to get immediate answers to their questions and can significantly improve customer satisfaction and conversion rates. Remember, the more accessible and approachable you are, the more likely potential customers will be to reach out and engage with your breeding services.

Understanding Design for Breeders

Creating your own breeder website can be an exciting and rewarding experience. However, it’s important to avoid common mistakes that can hinder your website’s success. By focusing on visual appeal, providing relevant information, and ensuring easy contact and social media integration, you can create a standout breeder website that attracts potential customers and showcases your passion for your animals. So, follow these tips from Breeder Designs and take your breeder website to the next level!


Hey there! I'm Sheila Cook, the heart behind I've been wearing multiple hats—web designer, graphics designer, and SEO specialist—at Breeder Designs since 2016. Writing articles for the site is my way of guiding customers through the ins and outs of breeder web design, graphics design, and the mysterious world of website and search engine optimization. My journey began in 2007 as a self-taught hobbyist, evolving into a seasoned pro with formal education and a handful of Google certifications. I'm your go-to WordPress expert, armed with an AS degree in Criminal Science and a BA in Business. Beyond the web, I've navigated the realms of QA and Compliance in Pharma/Biotech/Tissue Banking/Medical Device manufacturing and in Pharmacy. On the home front, I'm the proud mom of five, three of whom are Autistic. Balancing family and work is my daily juggling act, especially with my youngest needing full-time care due to the severity of his disability. While I craft and finesse graphics and websites for diverse industries, my heart lies in breeder and animal-related web design services. As a former breeder and volunteer rescue worker, I've stayed connected with the breeder and pet communities. Educating my clients is my passion, and I relish the opportunity to empower them with at least the basics of their websites—if they're up for it! Amidst the whirlwind, I manage to squeeze in a few hobbies like photography, writing, graphic design, and indulging my obsession with apocalyptic/post-apocalyptic movies and TV shows. Yes, I'm an unabashed fan of The Walking Dead Universe! Let's navigate the digital landscape together!

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