How To Take The Best Photos For Your Graphic Design Work

web design for breeders, graphic design for breeders, and How To Take The Best Photos For Your Graphic Work

If you are planning to get graphic work done for your breeding business, it is important to take photos that are suitable for graphic design cropping. Cropping is when a single object (your dog or your cat) is removed from an image for further design work. Some graphic design that would include cropping of your dog or cat from an image would be stud banners, breeding banners, litter announcements, pedigree banners, website headers, social media cover photos, business cards, logos, and watermarks. So lets talk about how to get the best photos (and also choose the best photos) for your breeder website or graphic design.

Above in illustrations 1, 2, & 3 show the best way to get the best photos – eye level with your lens pointing forward (cell phone lenses included). This is the most suitable way to get a photo that is suited for cropping. If using a leash, just hold the leash straight up, so that it isn’t falling onto the body of the dog. Careful not to pull too tight on the leash, as it will result in wrinkling around the neck if the collar is to be photoshopped out.

Illustrations 3, 4, & 5 display the wrong way to take photos of your dog or  cat. When cropped, it will appear that the dog’s back legs and sometimes a single front leg are “floating” in the air. A graphic designer friend of mine used to call these types of shots “helicopter shots” because the rear of the dog appears to be flying. These are the worst shots for graphic design, and most of these shots cannot be used. There’s just no way to nonchalantly hide an entire rear end that is floating in the air. These shots are also bad for regular everyday photos – as it makes your dog’s frame & muzzle appear long, thin, and  lanky. It can make even the bulkiest of dogs look terribly frail. In some instances, those kinds of shots can even make a show champion appear out of breed standard. 

dog breeder logo design and other graphic design work by Breeder Designs


Obstructions From Objects

It is also important to keep obstructions at a minimum. In the illustration above, you can see what happens when hands, shoes, grass, balls, and other objects obstruct the dog or cat. When an image is cropped, the above is an example of how obstructions cause missing body parts. Even grass can cut off most of the legs. And it is not always easy or even possible to hide it in a breeder graphic design.

dog breeder graphic design for breeding businesses who want professional, affordable designs

Missing Body Parts

The way you take your photos can also result in missing body parts. The illustration above displays how not centering your dog or cat in the center of the photo will result in missing body parts. The end result shows that the rear of the dog is missing, but so are the tips of the ears.

Optimal Photos for Graphics

In summary, the best way to get optimal photos for cat or dog breeder graphic design is with an eye level, centered animal, with nothing obstructing the body or face, and with no missing body parts that are outside of the camera frame.  These tips will not only help with getting the best graphics, it also results in the best, most professional photos. The quality of your photos plays a major role in how buyers feel about the quality of your product (your puppies, kittens, and other pets).


Hey there! I'm Sheila Cook, the heart behind I've been wearing multiple hats—web designer, graphics designer, and SEO specialist—at Breeder Designs since 2016. Writing articles for the site is my way of guiding customers through the ins and outs of breeder web design, graphics design, and the mysterious world of website and search engine optimization.My journey began in 2007 as a self-taught hobbyist, evolving into a seasoned pro with formal education and a handful of Google certifications. I'm your go-to WordPress expert, armed with an AS degree in Criminal Science and a BA in Business. Beyond the web, I've navigated the realms of QA and Compliance in Pharma/Biotech/Tissue Banking/Medical Device manufacturing and in Pharmacy.On the home front, I'm the proud mom of five, three of whom are Autistic. Balancing family and work is my daily juggling act, especially with my youngest needing full-time care due to the severity of his disability.While I craft and finesse graphics and websites for diverse industries, my heart lies in breeder and animal-related web design services. As a former breeder and volunteer rescue worker, I've stayed connected with the breeder and pet communities.Educating my clients is my passion, and I relish the opportunity to empower them with at least the basics of their websites—if they're up for it! Amidst the whirlwind, I manage to squeeze in a few hobbies like photography, writing, graphic design, and indulging my obsession with apocalyptic/post-apocalyptic movies and TV shows. Yes, I'm an unabashed fan of The Walking Dead Universe! Let's navigate the digital landscape together!

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