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Learn why it is unprofessional for breeders to use their social media to complain about customers and label potential buyers negatively.

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The importance of breeder professionalism with customers on social media
All customers, including yourself, have been window shoppers at some point. Imagine if every time you had, that the merchant called you out publically on social media.

We all know that social media has become an essential tool for businesses to connect with their customers and promote their products. However, there is a fine line between using social media responsibly and using it to vent frustrations or attack potential customers. In the world of breeders, this line is often blurred.

Imagine you visit your favorite breeder’s social media page, excited to see more about their puppies or kittens or planned breedings. Instead of finding upcoming litter information, you are bombarded with posts complaining about customers, labeling potential buyers as “window shoppers,” “broke,” or “can’t afford.” How would that make you feel as a potential customer? It’s safe to say that it would leave a sour taste in your mouth, and possibly make you less willing to contact them because you are not yet ready to purchase or not wanting to purchase from the current litter. You might get the feeling that they are about to write a post about you next. This is how a lot of potential customers feel when they see negative social media posts about customers.

Let’s talk about why it is unprofessional for breeders to use their business social media platforms to complain about customers and label potential buyers negatively. This will help breeders realize the impact of such behavior on their reputation, customer relationships, and ultimately, their business success.

The Importance of Breeder Professionalism

As a breeder, maintaining professionalism is crucial for the success of your business. Your customers are entrusting you with a living being, and they expect a certain level of respect and professionalism in return. When you go on your business social media and complain about customers or label potential buyers negatively, you are not only damaging your reputation but also alienating potential customers.

The Impact on Reputation

Word travels fast in the age of social media. When you publicly complain about customers or use derogatory language to describe potential buyers, it reflects poorly on your business. People will remember these negative interactions and may choose to avoid your services altogether. Reputation is everything in the world of breeding, and one negative social media post can have long-lasting consequences.

Alienating Potential Customers

Labeling potential customers as “window shoppers,” “broke,” or “can’t afford” is not only unprofessional but also counterproductive. Instead of attracting customers, you are pushing them away. Potential buyers want to feel valued and respected, and negative labels only serve to create a barrier between you and your target audience. It is essential to remember that everyone starts as a potential customer, and treating them with respect and professionalism can lead to fruitful relationships.

The Power of Social Media

Social media has the power to make or break a business. It is a platform where customers can share their experiences and opinions, both positive and negative. By complaining about customers or labeling potential buyers negatively, you are giving them a reason to speak out against your business. Negative reviews and comments can spread like wildfire on social media, damaging your reputation and deterring future customers. It is crucial to use social media as a tool to build positive relationships and showcase the value of your services.

Defending Your Breeding Business Professionally

Defending your business against bad reviews and talking about bad business experiences is acceptable, as long as it is done in a professional manner. However, attacking those who haven’t yet become customers is never the right approach. Let’s discuss how you can defend your business professionally while maintaining a positive image.

Responding to Bad Reviews

When faced with a negative review, it is essential to respond promptly and professionally. Address the customer’s concerns with empathy and offer a solution or explanation. Avoid getting defensive or engaging in a public argument. Remember, potential customers will be watching how you handle these situations, and a professional response can go a long way in mitigating the impact of a negative review.

Sharing Positive Customer Experiences

Instead of focusing on the negative, use your social media platforms to share positive customer experiences. Share testimonials, photos, and stories from happy customers who have purchased puppies or kittens from you. This not only showcases the quality of your breeding program but also creates a positive image for your business. Potential customers are more likely to be drawn to a breeder with a track record of satisfied customers and professional business demeanor.

Educating Potential Buyers

One way to address common concerns or misconceptions about pricing or the breeding process is to educate potential buyers. Use your social media platforms to share informative content about responsible breeding practices, the costs involved, and the value of your puppies or kittens. By providing valuable information and addressing concerns in a respectful manner, you can build trust with potential customers and position yourself as a knowledgeable and professional breeder. This will also give potential customers an idea of the cost of your kittens or puppies, reducing less inquiries from those who have a smaller budget. Since animals sales and the promotion of animal sales are not permitted on most social media platforms, instead share a link from your breeder website or have the link available for viewing on platforms like Linktree.

The Bottom Line

In the competitive world of breeding, professionalism is key to standing out from the crowd and attracting loyal customers. Going on your business social media and complaining about customers or labeling potential buyers negatively is unprofessional and detrimental to your reputation and business success. Instead, focus on maintaining professionalism, defending your business against bad reviews professionally, and educating potential buyers. By doing so, you can build a positive image for your business and establish long-lasting customer relationships.

Remember, breeding is not just a business; it is a passion. Treat your customers with respect, show them the value of your breeding program, and let your professionalism shine through in every interaction. Your customers, both current and potential, deserve nothing less.

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Social Media for Breeders is a Risky Business Sun, 09 Jul 2023 19:47:53 +0000

For breeders, relying only on social media for sales can be risky. These platforms have strict policies, banning animal sales and advertising.

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no animal sales allowed on social media platforms. this is why you need a breeder website.
Animal Sales & Advertising Banned on Most Social Media Platforms

In today’s digital age, social media has become an integral part of our lives. It has revolutionized the way we connect, share information, and even conduct business. However, for breeders and animal sellers, relying solely on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram can be risky. These platforms have implemented strict policies, prohibiting the sale of animals and regulated goods. This means that if you heavily rely on social media to sell your puppies and kittens, you could wake up one day to find your account closed down, leaving you without a way to reach your client base. Additionally, your current customers who realize your account has vanished may also sense they have been scammed and initiate chargebacks & refunds, which trigger a variety of restrictions on your financial accounts.

The loss of your social media account not only means losing your followers and potential clients but also the countless hours and effort you’ve invested in building your online presence. To ensure the sustainability and longevity of your breeding business, it is crucial to have an alternative source of online customer traffic that is not dependent on social media platforms. This is where having a dedicated website for your breeding business becomes essential.

Building Trust and Credibility

Having a pet website design for your breeding business allows you to establish trust and credibility with potential customers. When people are looking to buy a new pet, they want to ensure that they are dealing with a reputable and responsible breeder. A well-designed website can serve as a platform to showcase your breeding program, your knowledge and expertise, and the care and love you put into raising your animals.

Your website can feature detailed information about your breeding practices, such as health screenings, genetic testing, and socialization efforts. You can also highlight any awards, certifications, or affiliations you have earned in the industry. By providing this information upfront, you instill confidence in potential buyers, reassuring them that they are making a responsible and informed decision by choosing your breeding business.

Additionally, a website allows you to showcase testimonials and reviews from satisfied customers. These testimonials act as social proof, demonstrating that you have a track record of delivering healthy and happy animals to loving homes. By including pictures and stories of your previous litters and the families they went to, you create a personal connection with your audience, further building trust and rapport.

Control Over Your Brand and Messaging

When you rely solely on social media platforms, you are at the mercy of their policies and algorithms. These platforms can change their rules or algorithms at any time, potentially impacting your reach and visibility. They can also remove or suspend your account without warning, leaving you with no recourse – because, after all, selling and promotion of animal sales on their platform is prohibited. Keep in mind, if your private message is reported for going against community standards, these platforms do review the actual content of the reported private message (manually or autoboot) to decide if the message is against community standards. So even having the Nothing for Sale on This Page statement on your social media does not protect the account from penalty. Plain and simple – Facebook, Instagram, and other social media has prohibited animal sales or the promotion of animal sales.  Promoting a sale of an animal or selling the animal via private conversations and public posts is a violation. It is also important to add that if you are logged into a platform through a multi-login process (cross/linked accounts), you may lose the ability to log into your other platforms if you have the primary account removed.

By having your own website, you regain control over your brand and messaging and privacy. You decide how your breeding business is presented, what information is shared, and how it is organized. You can tailor your website to reflect your unique selling points, values, and the qualities that set your breeding program apart from others. This control allows you to differentiate yourself in a crowded market and attract the right audience for your puppies, kittens, and other animals.

Furthermore, having your own website enables you to implement marketing strategies that are tailored specifically to your target audience. You can optimize your website for search engines, ensuring that potential customers who are actively searching for specific breeds or characteristics find your website. You can also integrate lead capture forms or email sign-ups, allowing you to build a database of interested buyers and stay in touch with them through email.

A Hub for Information and Resources

A website serves as a central hub for all the information and resources your customers may need. You can provide comprehensive details about your available litters, including breed, age, health records, and pricing. You can also include FAQs, care guides, and training tips to help new pet owners navigate the responsibilities of pet ownership – having all of this useful information in one place for your customers.

Moreover, a breeder website allows you to showcase the facilities where your animals are raised, giving potential buyers peace of mind that they are purchasing from a reputable breeder. You can include pictures and descriptions of your kennels, catteries, or breeding facilities, highlighting the clean and comfortable environment in which your animals are raised. This transparency can go a long way in reassuring buyers that they are getting a healthy and well-cared-for pet.

Additionally, having a website enables you to share news and updates about your breeding program. You can announce upcoming litters, introduce new breeding pairs, or share stories and photos of your animals. This not only keeps your existing customers engaged but also attracts new visitors to your website, increasing your chances of generating leads and sales.

Don’t Risk It

In today’s digital landscape, relying solely on social media platforms for your breeding business is a risky proposition. With the ban on animal sales and the unpredictable nature of these platforms, your hard-earned client base can disappear overnight. By investing in a cat breeder or dog breeder website design for your breeding business, you can establish trust and credibility, regain control over your brand and messaging, and create a central hub for information and resources. Don’t let the fate of your breeding business rest in the hands of social media giants – take control and secure your online presence with a dedicated website from

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